Imagine work which let’s you make your dreams come true: you can travel; you can explore world; you can cultivate relationships with family, friends; you can take care about your children; you have time on your hobbies; you can have flexible work hours; you can work with people from different cultures and with the best in industry. Work in which you can get awesome things done and take your time for your priorities. Sounds like dream job? This is what remote work could be.

In the minds of IT industry workers rooted the following landscape describing remote work:

Room full of turbid atmosphere, packs of pizza, beers cans and computers. Fat guy in pajamas and slippers with greasy hair is working all day long. He shares work between Counter Strike sessions and go out after dark. Lonely developer with complexes, big child, geek and nerd.

Most people said:

“Remote work not serious work, you should wear suit and tie and go to office in prestigious districts.” “Remote work is okay only for students and young people, when you have responsibilities you should go and find real job.” “Remote work is robbed of company spirit and culture, you can’t go with coworkers on beer or watch and laugh from funny cat videos.”

Is this real picture? It’s time to dive into real experience of remote work.

Be productive.

Let's be clear: do you like work or spending your time in work with coworkers? Your boss, clients and users like get things done and this is what generate income for your company. Office work does not conducive to effective time management. Office is full of interruption and temptation. In the effect your work time is smashed between too many small breaks in the context. In remote work you can take care about this problem. You can plan your serious work in perfect conditions: no phones, no conferences, no noises (only neighbours). Pure work and getting things done. You can use saved time for pleasure, study new things or walk with dog..
Work hours flexibility is big advantage. You can use it and work in time you prefer: early morning or late night, not in time which your supervisor prefers.

Save your time.

Time is new currency in tech industry. People spend a lot of time on driving, in traffic, in crowded cities. You can save this time. How awesome are 2 extra hours every day? You can save even more: your communication is mostly asynchronous, so you can plan responding on emails as one block during the day and don't be disturbed with every question.

Work with the best.

Why we should limit to one area during building team? Talent, hard work and commitment are crucial for company success, so you can find your perfect company members in Poland, US, Hungary, Finland, almost anywhere. There is no boundaries in the internet era. There are so many tools which helps you organize work. You can meet and share your skills and experience with people all over the world and explore different cultures.

Take care about your priorities.

I hope you love your job and you are passionate about your business activity, but our lives are based not only on work. The most important things are next to us and we spend not enough quality time for it. Remote work gives you opportunity to manage your time better and take care about sense of your life. This is not always easy, but we will share few advices with you in the next few posts.

Save your money.

Remote work can also save your money. It could reduce your car/medical bills and office costs. It goes in really large cash sums..

Be yourself.

When you work in your home, you can do whatever you want. You can behave as you wish. You can work in pajamas or colorful clothes. You can eat health or not. You can spend your breaks dancing and doing push-ups. You can listen to Justin Bieber. You can be yourself. No one will comment, no one will judge you, no one will bound you.

Start your life today, don’t wait on favorable conditions in the present work or retirement. Remote work is not always easy, but in the next few post we will share how to create your dream work using remote opportunities.